Hint: Blank Typo3 installation screen

Friday, August 14th, 2009 | Dennis D. Spreen | Typo3

If you experience a blank installation screen while trying to setup Typo3, take a look at your mysql database time out setting in your php.ini file:

If this exceeds your max_execution_time setting, you’ll get a blank typo3 installation screen. Set it to a low vale, e.g. 5.


1 Comment to Hint: Blank Typo3 installation screen

Demetrius Cobb
January 21, 2013

I once experienced this but that time I was not knowing that due to excedence of level this was the case, later on when I found the solution I realized this was a much simple solution to which many like me won’t be aware of.

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About Dennis D. Spreen

I'm an avid programmer working on a variety of platforms in a variety of languages with a wide technical interest.


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