
Please make inline vars usable for production – fix RSP-28892

With the arrival of Delphi Rio 10.3 in October 2018 we saw “a very handy feature to the language, local inline variables with local scope and type inference” [Marco Tech Blog]. That was a feature “long overdue” [Comment section] and helped to push the Delphi language a little bit further. We’ve been very excited about this feature helping us writing code we’re all used to in other languages especially those used in for-loops:

or even more simplified to

As soon as the ISO/Web installer hit the download section we grabbed it, installed it… and have been hit hard in the face by CodeInsight (or whatever that feature is called) with not recognizing that simple code above as a valid Delphi code – which (not only) prevents working of not just the “Find declaration” but all of the source code productivity features as well. Ok, it was the first release of a new language feature, so well, we could wait for the next release which surely would fix that (there was an entry already in the Quality portal opened during the beta release…*sigh*).

Then came Delphi 10.3.1 in February 2019 – downloaded, installed, nothing changed, bug still there.

Then came Delphi 10.3.2 in July 2019 – downloaded, installed, nothing changed, bug still there.

Then came Delphi 10.3.3 in November 2019 – downloaded, installed, nothing changed, bug still there.

Then came Delphi 10.4 in May 2020 – downloaded, installed – oh yes, the inline vars aren’t tagged as error, but Go-to-definition nor Refactoring won’t work, thus bug still there.

The “fun” part is, while commenting both releases with the same request on fixing the RSP, all of the MVPs (including Marco) decided to delete (or not to publish) my comment about my request on fixing that bug. Not cool.

So here I am again – more than 600 days after the introduction of the new feature – begging for a fix so we could use that new feature. Please fix (latest RSP submitted):

RSP-28892 “Find Declaration” won’t work if inline vars are used

Thank you.

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About Dennis D. Spreen

I'm an avid programmer working on a variety of platforms in a variety of languages with a wide technical interest.


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