WordPress Plugin – QR Code Tag v1.0
QR Code Tag
Use QR Codes (Google API or QR Code Lib) anywhere in your WordPress blog, as a Widget, Shortcode, Tooltip or with a PHP function.
- Choose your QR Code generator: Google Chart API (online connection required) or QR Code Lib (included)
- Uses cURL if
is disabled (Google Chart API) - GIF, PNG or JPEG image output
- All QR Code images are cached
- Use as a Sidebar Widget
- Use the Shortcode
within your posts - Use the Tooltip mode
[qrcodetag tooltip="content"]some text[/qrcodetag]
within your posts - Use the PHP function inside your own template
- “Best Read Mode” for optimized QR Code image size
- Works with PHP 5.3 as well
- Works on symlinked plugin folders
- Available plugin admin interface languages: English, German
Download QR Code Tag v1.0
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47 Comments to WordPress Plugin – QR Code Tag v1.0
Hello 🙂
Thanks for this plugin. But the widget don’t work on my blog (2.8.6). When I try to move the widget in my sidebar I have a large horizontal line and impossible to place it.
November 18, 2009
Hello Lorand, the plugin works with 2.8.6 as well. Which theme do you use?
Hello Dennis,
Thanks for your reply. My Theme is Amazing Grace 2.3 par Vladimir Prelovac.
But my problem is in administration panel as you can see on this pic : http://www.android-software.fr/QRCodeTag.png
When I try to move the widget I have a very big horizontal line.
Great plugin. I am going to add it to my site soon. Any chance of getting a Microsoft Tag plugin like this ?
do you take paid request for plugins ?
December 5, 2009
[…] you have a WordPress blog, you can get a plugin to easily insert QR codes into your […]
I am trying to use the php template to display the current url but I cannot find the parameter… what should go in between the brackets, where your example uses ‘mycontent’ as in
<img src="getQrCodeUrl(‘mycontent’,100,’UTF-8′,’L’,4,0);
?>”> ?
February 3, 2010
In order to display a 100 x 100px QR Code in the page template you would include this PHP code:
echo $qrcodetag->getQrCodeUrl($qrcodetag->currentUrl(),100,’UTF-8′,’L’,4,0);
Great plug-in. I have a quick question though, I’m using the QR Code Tag widget in my side bar.
I’m wondering if it’s possible to center the QR Code image horizontally in the sidebar rather than left aligned as in the default. You can see what I’m talking about here (look for the blue callout arrow in the top right): http://mattgreek.com/screenshots/city-story-qr-sidebar.png
For reference, here’s another image showing the Edit Plugins page in the Admin backend in WordPress 3.0.1 (again look for the blue callout arrow to further illustrate my issue: http://mattgreek.com/screenshots/city-story-qr-widget.png
PS – Will a reply to this comment be sent to my e-mail? If not, can you send a reply to this comment to my e-mail. I’d greatly appreciate it!
September 10, 2010
Great plugin!
Is there any way to get “” to sit within the ‘mycontent’ part of the code supplied?
What I want to do is just let a user login, and type into the WP post editor and the resulting text be rendered into the QR Code and displayed on the page. I know you have the option of using [qrcodetag]content[/qrcodetag] but I fear that might be lost/too much for the average user to do.
Is there anyway to do this?
September 10, 2010
Sorry, my last message there should be “the_content” rather than “”. “the_content” part refers to the default WordPress hook.
September 24, 2010
Hallo Dennis,
Danke(!) für das super PlugIn. Spende kommt sobald ich life gehe – versprochen.
Kannst Du mir sagen, wie ich den Pfad für den Cache ändern kann – ist das möglich?
Ist es auch möglich der QR-Grafik als Namen nicht eine Random-Nummer sondern den Namen “QR-Code-%URL%” zu geben?
September 25, 2010
Der Name ist nicht random, sondern eine Hashzahl, die sich aus der URL zusammensetzt – statt eben die URL dranzuhängen (kann ja unheimlich lang sei), wird ein MD5-Hash mit definierter Länge erzeugt. Kann ich natürlich auch als Option mit einbauen, dass statt MD5 die URL halbwegs lesbar eingebaut wird (also ohne http:// und ohne / udgl.)…
September 26, 2010
Das wäre super!
Ganz interessant wäre auch eine Option bei der man den Pfad angeben kann, wo die Images (Cache) liegen. Wenn man die Grafik anzeigt (Rechte Maustaste -Grafik anzeigen) kommt sonst eine lange URL raus, die bis zum Plugin Verzeichnis geht.
Eine Frage habe ich noch: wenn ich den QR-Code per PHP im Theme erzeuge, dann bekomme ich keinen Link auf meinem Handy, sondern einen Text. Kannst du mir sagen was ich falsch mache bzw. wie ich die aktuelle URL eines Post oder Page als URL bekomme?
October 4, 2010
Is there a way to display the url below the QR code image? And perhaps some other text?
[…] ik toch een beetje dat “been there, done that” gevoel. Ik heb al een tijd lang, via een simpele WordPress plugin bij elke pagina van dit weblog een automatisch gegenereerde QR-code staan. Tijdens Dé […]
ich finde, es wäre noch notwendig zwischen langer Permalink-URL und kurzer Post-ID-Url zu wählen.
Je kürzer die Url, desto kleiner das Bild oder desto besser lässt es sich auslesen, wenn man eine fixe Größe nutzt.
Ich habe mir folgendes ins Template eingebaut.
<img src="getQrCodeUrl($post->guid ,100,’UTF-8′,’L’,4,0);
Ist die URL erstmal im Browser des Smartphones aufgerufen, erfolgt sowieso ein Redirect auf die Permalinks-URL.
Außerdem werden diese “kurzen” QR-Codes viel schneller ausgelesen und man muss die Hand nicht so lange still halten.
Noch als Anregung: Wie wäre es mit einem Formular nur zur Generierung von Kontakt-QR-Codes? Ich habe so ein Teil z.B. auf meiner Impressum-Seite.
Werde jetzt erstmal mit 5 Sternen in wordpress.org stimmen.
January 26, 2011
das mit der auswahl von Permalink zu PostIdUrl ist eine gute idee! hab ich gerade in die entwicklungsroadmap mit eingetragen, danke für die anregung! gruß, dennis
I’ve tried to use the QR Code Tag on my WordPress site and when I activate it I get an error message:
Parse error:
syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ in … blog/wp-content/plugins/qr-code-tag/lib/qrct/QrctWp.php on line 13
I’m new to WordPress and wonder if there is a quick fix or an “easy oops” I made. Any help appreciated.
January 31, 2011
Hi Tony,
are you using PHP4?
yes PHP 4.4.9
We tried to upgrade the directories to be served PHP5 and my main (Joomla! 1.5.18 Stable) site went down so the admin reset it back to PHP 4.4.9 and all seemed fine.
January 31, 2011
Sorry, QrCodeTag does not work with PHP4, see Installation/Requirements…
Will look for an upgrade to V5 then.
February 6, 2011
Hello! Your widget is brilliant. Could you improve your widget with button Print and Print option? I could discuss it with you by email. Thank you.
March 18, 2011
I want to embed more than one piece of information in the QR code. What is the syntax for passing multiple pieces of info via the php/template, i.e. I want to store contact info and not just one piece of info…getQrCodeUrl(‘more than just this piece of info’,175,’UTF-8′,’L’,1,0)
March 21, 2011
There are several types of formatting options for contact info (MECard, vCard), etc. Here is vCard:
March 21, 2011
[…] you are a blogger, you can also get a QR Code plugin for WordPress that does everything for you. Related […]
[…] them wherever you like and encourage people to use them.If you are a blogger, you can also get a QR Code plugin for WordPress that does everything for you. Like this web page? Share it… Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post […]
Hi Thanks for sharing about the plugins especially about QR codes , I heard it very popular lately, I will try it first if it is really works…I heard all about it from SayDotCom blog…
July 12, 2011
Das Plugin ist super, aber es gibt Probleme mit SSL. WP + QR Code Tag + SSL funktioniert nicht richtig. Speziell mit dem IE.
Ist ein Fix dafür schon in Aussicht?
Fantastic plugin – I love how it is free too. QR codes are becoming more and more popular! Thanks for taking the time to share your coding with us.
October 23, 2011
Hallo Dennis.
Vielen Dank für dein PlugIn, macht einen guten Job!
Ich möchte gerne dynamisch QR-Codes im Template generieren (VCards) und hab zwar deinen Hinweis hier gefunden (echo $qrcodetag->getQrCodeUrl($qrcodetag->currentUrl(),100,’UTF-8′,’L’,4,0);) komme aber nicht so ganz klar damit…
Kannst Du mir sagen, wie ich genau z.B. eine VCard via PHP-Aufruf generieren kann, das möglichst sogar inkl. Tooltip?
December 6, 2011
[…] you are a blogger, you can also get a Free QR Code plugin for WordPress that does everything for […]
January 23, 2012
[…] QR Code Tag […]
I am afraid I will not be using this plugin. Regardless of whether I use the inbuilt library or Google Chart API, the widget generates a url such as http://www.techtangerine.serverhost.com instead of http://www.techtangerine.com.
Great plugin, thanks. One problem – it breaks things when used via SSL because the URL for the js and css isn’t determined properly, resulting in mixed-mode content. Simple fix – QrctWp.php, line 74, change to this:
$this->pluginUrl = plugin_dir_url($baseFile);
September 9, 2012
Thanks for the ssl fix!
What I want to do is just let a user login, and type into the WP post editor and the resulting text be rendered into the QR Code and displayed on the page. I know you have the option of using [qrcodetag]content[/qrcodetag] but I fear that might be lost/too much for the average user to do.
February 2, 2016
[…] you are a blogger, you can also get a Free QR Code plugin for WordPress that does everything for […]
March 21, 2018
Bug detected
WordPress 4.9.4
If the page URI is long and consist Cyrillic symbols
Vidget Header is Ok
But QR Code will not be displayed
max page name 17 symbols – Ok
18 symbols – No QR-code
May 5, 2019
Hey there! Are you planning to update this plugin for PHP 7? It has deprecated constructors. May be an easy fix, but I can’t find any github link to create a pull request.
May 5, 2019
@Florian, I’ll put it on GitHub
May 5, 2019
I’m quite sure I had a version 1.1 with a far superior admin panel and some more features, but I really can’t find it. Well, the plugin still works with 1.0, so feel free to upgrade the source to 7.0
Thanks you for this perfect plugin. It gives a problem with WP5.5 though. Can you please look into that and update a compatible version?
August 14, 2020
@eric: There will be an updated version adressing the wp5.5 upgrade in about 2-3 weeks. stay tuned.
August 25, 2020
I can confirm big problems. With this plugin activated it is e.g. not possible to create new users in WordPress5.5 😮
And some checkboxes (“select all”) do not work any longer and so on.
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