How to compile libpomelo as a Windows DLL

Monday, October 20th, 2014 | Dennis D. Spreen | Pomelo

This is a tutorial on how to compile libpomelo as a Windows DLL (libpomelo is a C language client SDK for Pomelo).

1. download and install git, select Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt during installation

2. download and install Python (Version 2.x), check [x] Add python.exe to path during installation

3. download and install Visual Studio 2010 Express (Windows 7) or Visual Studio 2012 Express (Windows 8)

4. open a terminal and clone the libpomelo source

5. download gyp as well (we’re using the github gyp svnsync repo)

6. now create the project build file with

7. then open pomelo.sln in visual studio and you can build the libpomelo DLLs by building the libpomelo project

8. After the Build: 3 succeeded message you’ll find libpomelo.dll and jansson.dll in the Default\ folder.

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About Dennis D. Spreen

I'm an avid programmer working on a variety of platforms in a variety of languages with a wide technical interest.


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