Porting to XE5 and the “W1030 Invalid compiler directive: ‘true'” warning

Friday, March 14th, 2014 | Dennis D. Spreen | Delphi Programming, Delphi XE5

If you port your application to Delphi XE5 and you receive this warning

[dcc32 Warning] W1030 Invalid compiler directive: 'true'

then edit the ‘Build Configurations (Debug)’ settings and change the setting
“Debug information” from “True”

W1030 wrong setting

to “Debug Information” (located at “Delphi Compiler -> Compiling -> Debugging”):

W1030 correct setting


and the warning will be gone.


5 Comments to Porting to XE5 and the “W1030 Invalid compiler directive: ‘true'” warning

March 14, 2014

This problem also happens with new projects created with XE5.2, and never touched with other Delphi versions.
From time to time I’m seeing it in small helper project, that was created in XE5.2 – however I’m not able to find out steps to reproduce and QC it.
Mostly I’m seeing it when I do build be MSBuild.
Currently I’ve set this Warning as an Error, so when it shows in IDE it will be easier to know what I have done before, that triggered that error.
I think that it’s because of buggy project configuration inheritance (like VersionInfo is totally broken…)

Jeroen Wiert Pluimers
March 16, 2014

This sounds very similar to the msbuild issue I blogged about a while ago “When the Delphi XE5 commandline compiler fails with error F1026: File not found: ‘False.dpr’“:


Next time I see that I will try your solution. I hope it works as it is a lot easier than my solution.

Thanks a lot for your post!


March 17, 2014

It acutally is the same error – it outputs “false” as the command line argument for Debug Informations which isn’t recognized by the compiler. If not yet done, I’ll QC it.

Felix Ramirez
August 14, 2018

Thnaks, work for me porting from Delphi-2006 to Delphi-XE5

Peter Luijer
November 18, 2020

Fix works perfect when porting an application from Delphi XE2 to Delphi 10.

Thanks Dennis!

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About Dennis D. Spreen

I'm an avid programmer working on a variety of platforms in a variety of languages with a wide technical interest.


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